Personal Training/Nutritional Counseling


Jordan Massung

Bachelor of Science from the University of Pittsburgh

Elite Personal Trainer from the International Sports Science Association

Certified Nutrition Coach from the International Sports Science Association

Certified Health Coach from the International Sports Science Association

Group Training Specialist from the International Sports Science Association

TRX Certified Trainer

CPR & AED Certified

Phone #: 724-600-5115 (call or text) Email: [email protected]

Personal training and nutrition services are customized based upon the objective of each individual client. Plans are constructed for clients based on his or her age, sport, size, and performance/activity level. With goals being the biggest focus over our period of time together, I will construct a program that will not only get you there the best way, but also the most effective way. 

Working at a chiropractic and rehabilitation center for the past 7 years, I have plenty of experience being a part of and around individuals who have suffered moderate to severe injuries as well as chronic health conditions. It has made me confident enough to train with people who have underlying issues without hesitation and continue the care they need to do to live a healthy lifestyle.

My end goal is to always make a positive impact in someone's life and lifestyle. All walks of life are welcome here; whether you're a complete stranger to any form of exercise, your diet consists of mostly processed foods, or you're an ex-athlete who has not been physical in years, we will work together to adapt and tailor our activities to your individual needs. A change in lifestyle is something that can not only make you feel and look better, but give you a better quality of life, and that is what I hope to instill in every one of my clients.

Personal Training

  • Describe primary concepts of physiology during exercise and rest
  • Designing custom programs per client based upon individual’s desires
  • Using the fundamental principles of anatomy and physiology
  • Injury prevention
  • Teaching/educating
  • Modifications for special populations based upon disability
  • Integrate a healthy lifestyle in and out of the gym to progress towards goals

Nutrition Counseling

  • Clear understanding of how nutrition impacts your performance in and out of the gym
  • Progress clients towards their goals
  • How nutrition improves physical and mental health
  • Strategies for fat loss and muscle gain
  • Construct custom plans

Small Group Training

Small group training sessions are held outside or in our training facility on Saturday mornings.  Class size typically varies from 5-12 members, men and women.  Upbeat and high tempo music is played while putting in a great workout in a judgement free zone.  Group training is a fun and unique way to add something different to your workout routine that you may be lacking on your own.  Cardio, cross training, and bodyweight exercises are all utilized in different formats each week.  All ages are welcome as modifications are always provided. My goal for small group fitness is to get people together and accomplish a great workout in a fun and positive environment. 







  • "After personal training with Jordan for the last 5 months, I not only gained weight and muscle, but I am much stronger. Because of Jordan’s attention to detail with my workouts and keeping me on track, I have seen obvious improvements in all aspects of my training. As an ice hockey player, the results I’ve achieved allow me to take hits and deliver even stronger ones while still remaining solid on my skates. I will continue training with her since my results have already been tremendous in a short period of time."
    Chase B.
  • "I started working out with Jordan when I hit a wall and could not take any weight off. She was quick to respond to my initial inquiry and we set up training sessions right away. I had been out of routine with working out and desperately needed to get back on track. Jordan made me feel comfortable getting back into a gym routine from day 1. We went over my goals and diet and she crafted a plan fit just for me. She has always accommodated my schedule and somehow made me actually look forward to working out. NEVER before was I a morning workout person, but I found myself looking forward to a 7 AM session because of how good I’d feel afterward. Jordan truly helped to push me on days that I was lacking motivation and kept me in a positive mindset. The workouts she created were tailored with my goals in mind and made such a difference in comparison to the standard exercises I would do on my own. In a short amount of time, I found my confidence again and my body has never felt stronger!"
    Courtney S.
  • "I reached out to Jordan about a year and a half ago when I realized I needed to get back on track with my fitness lifestyle. Since training with her, my energy levels have increased, I find that every day activities are easier to do, I’ve lost unwanted fat, and gained muscle. I truly haven’t felt better and more confident in years. She’s taught me a lot of new exercises, and even some that I can incorporate at home myself. Each training session I became mentally and physically stronger. She also makes you feel extremely comfortable and makes the workouts a lot of fun! I highly recommend Jordan if you are looking for a trainer. She will work to adapt with you no matter your age, gender, or fitness level."
    Maranda M.
  • "I can genuinely say that training with Jordan is one of the best decisions I could’ve ever made! She has taught me so much about proper technique when weightlifting and provided me with a healthy outlook on exercise and diet. I had started the program being extremely lazy and not very motivated. However, after completing multiple training sessions with Jordan, I am feeling so much stronger and have developed a consistent training routine. She creates an environment where you feel comfortable, and you can tell that she really cares about each of her clients. I would highly recommend Jordan to anyone that is seeking a personal trainer."
    Sarah M.
  • "I started training with Jordan in early 2021, just a few months after I was in an ATV accident. She helped me gain back the strength I lost during recovery, and I was able to feel confident on my wedding day later that year. I stuck with training through 2022, and every month I was reaching new fitness milestones. I had another setback from a bad case of Covid, and Jordan continued to help me push through it. She gave me the knowledge and discipline needed to keep up with my fitness at home as well. I’m grateful for my fitness journey with Jordan the past couple of years, and I always look forward to the challenging yet fun Saturday classes!"
    Sarah B.
  • "After working out on my own for a few months I decided to find a personal trainer to help with more efficient exercises and nutritional guidance. The moment I met Jordan I felt completely comfortable with her as my guide. She not only pushed me to do my very best, beyond what I thought were my limits, but also kept me motivated when my personal life was throwing in distractions. She helped me build the confidence I lost years ago! She kept me focused, held me accountable of my goals, and pushed me to keep going. With Jordan I found a very determined and strong coach, friend, and motivator! She never gives up on her clients even when they are ready to throw in the towel! I look forward to going back in the near future!"
    Madison W.
  • "Jordan is easily the best trainer I've had the chance to work with. Her professionalism, knowledge, and overall demeanor make training with her not only effective, but also enjoyable. Her versatility and education made her the perfect fit to help guide me through training both while pregnant and postpartum. Jordan clearly has a passion for what she does, and it shows through both the quality of training as well as her focus on customer experience - schedule flexibility, ease of communication, and customized training program all make Jordan my go-to for training."
    Kara (Female, Age 35)
  • "Working with Jordan over the past couple months while dealing with personal and physical issues has been a truly rewarding test. Whether I was training with her in person, or just going over my nutrition and eating habits with her, she was consistent in making sure that I was able to make healthy choices on my own. The motivation I received in and out of the gym helped me achieve my goals that we had set and helped me continue to reach for new ones! I couldn’t recommend Jordan enough for someone looking for a trainer!"
    Danielle Stoner (Female, Age 28)
  • "I would highly recommend training with Jordan to any of my friends and family. Jordan pays attention to small details such as form and teaches you workouts that you can do at home in continuation of training on your own. Not only that, but her training is affordable and in a nonjudgmental atmosphere. I have done 2 separate training packages with Jordan so far and will continue to sign up for more classes for her expertise on diverse exercise variations and advancement. She pushes you to do your best and is an all around great coach and person!"
    Brooke Susich (Female, Age 28)
  • "I needed a way to strengthen my back and core, and maybe lose some weight along the way. Working with a trainer would be the way to go. Jordan works to help you achieve your goal. She gives that gentle push to keep you moving forward to your goal. She suggests exercises that you think, how in the world can I do this! Very knowledgeable, and caring. Absolutely love working out with her, and becoming a New Me, and feeling Great Along the Way."
    CathyAnn Kravetz Kepes (Female, Age 62)
  • "I’ve been working with Jordan for around two and a half years, and there has never been a time where I wasn’t looking forward to seeing her again. Jordan takes the time to make sure her clients are comfortable, satisfied, and as healthy as possible. She organizes workout sessions with her clients perfectly, writing down the exercises we do as we do them, and suggesting better ways to improve along the way. She’s always on the lookout for helping you to improve and be the best you that you can be. Jordan has given me a dieting log for a couple weeks, where I wrote down exactly what I ate every day, and we checked it out and she gave feedback during each session. Along with that, we’ve taken weekly progress photos, physique updates, and more diet check ins to make sure I’ve been reaching towards my goal in the healthiest way I can. She checks up on her clients and genuinely cares about them, and she wants to see them happy."
    Liz Kosan (Female, Age 17)
  • "I trained with Jordan for 4 months before my wedding and she helped me get in the best shape of my life. While incorporating knowledge of how to use the gym machines and also weight/TRX training, I looked forward to every training session with her! Now 3 years later, I’ve invested in TRX straps for my own home and have continued the training she taught me. Having a trainer makes the process easier and hands down Jordan is the best there is! She created workouts designed for my body (that worked!) and is also very motivating and supportive in your health journey!"
    Katie Kudrick (Female, Age 27)
  • "Over the past three years I have had two low back,one rotator cuff, and a stomach surgery leaving me extremely weak and very out of shape due to inactivity. Over the past year or so Jordan Beretta from Beretta Chiropractic has worked with me to rebuild my strength and conditioning as well as my accountability. We do weigh-ins, measurements, and compare pictures from previous weeks as well as Jordan will send reminder emails and texts with advice to help me stay on task. This week I added another service that Jordan provides. As of Monday I am keeping a food log so that she can verify that I'm receiving enough food in my diet to maintain my workout schedule without crashing by the end of the day. If anyone is looking for a personal trainer and wants to get back on track and especially needs the accountability that I needed, call Jordan Beretta !!!"
    John Sembower (Male, Age 52)
  • "I loved working out with Jordan! I completed her 6 week program and was amazed with the results! I’ve never been the type to go to the gym, so at the very beginning of the program, I told her what my goals were and that I wanted to learn different exercises that I could do on my own. Jordan knew exactly what to do and thoroughly explained each exercise and the different muscles each one worked. At the end of the program she put together a collage of my before and after photos and I was SHOCKED by the results. I honestly enjoy going to the gym now and feel more confident in my workouts thanks to Jordan!"
    Alyssa Caroline (Female, Age 25)
  • "At 52yrs old Female, I need someone to make me accountable, cause life can unintentionally put my health, and fitness last. Jordan is focused on helping me achieve my goals, making every session challenging and fun. Since training with Jordan my fitness has increased and I have seen improvements in my ability to lift heavier, do more difficult core exercises and generally push myself harder through each session. I always look forward to my next session. I would recommend Jordan in a heartbeat."
    Bam (Female, Age 52)


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8:00 am-7:00 pm


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8:00 am-6:00 pm


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